The Different Facials Available During Your Spa Break

Spa breaks, whether it’s a last-minute getaway from spa deals you couldn’t let pass or you’ve planned your spa weekend weeks in advance, they are the perfect opportunity to relax and forget about any worries you may have. During your spa break, you’ll probably want to make the most of your free time and enjoy one of the many spa treatments made available by the spa and hotel that you’re staying in. One of the most popular treatments are facials, so we have outlined some of the facials that are typically available during spa breaks.

Antioxidant Facials

Every day our faces are exposed to several different conditions, including your own sweat and sunlight. Fortunately, having a facial can help to treat any damage that has been a result of these conditions. Antioxidant facials use natural substances, including vita, C and green tea to lift any dull skin and rejuvenate it. Those exposed to free radicals are also at a higher risk of noticing acne on their face. Spas are renowned for providing treatment for acne, which usually consists of glycolic acid exfoliation and enzymes to break any skin cells that are dead and block pores. They will also use vapour mist to open pores and anti-inflammatory acne masks.


Chocolate Facials

Chocolate isn’t only a favourite snack for those with a sweet tooth, it’s also an ideal tool for treating the skin.  Recognised for its antioxidant properties, dark chocolate is now used to help reduce sun damage and wrinkles. What’s more, chocolate also has potassium, magnesium and iron, which are beneficial for the skin, as well as cocoa butter being a great natural moisturiser. In recent years, the facial has become widely used in more and more spas!

Antiaging Facials

Looking to remove the appearance of ageing skin? This is the facial for you! Fortunately, you will find that the majority of spas will be able to pamper you with this facial.  The two facials generally used for antiaging are collagen facials and alpha hydroxy as they tone, steam, cleanse and moisturise the skin. The natural properties of alpha hydroxy help to improve the pigmentation of the skin and assist it in rebounding from sun damage, resulting in more youthful looking and brighter skin.

facial ingredients

Aromatherapy Facial

One of the more traditional facials; the aromatherapy facial offers complete relaxation. By adding aromatherapy oils, the room can be transformed into a tranquil space. Due to the multiple benefits they contain, the facial consists of essential oils and natural remedies. Tee tree oil, for example, is known for its ability to reduce sebum production and even dry out existing spots. Oils, such as lavender and peppermint are great for relaxing a stressed-out mind.

Of course, there are a number of other facials that can be used and found around the country in spas. So, when you book your spa break think about the facial and treatment you want and ensure that the hotel and spa have the appropriate facilities. For more information for booking the ideal spa break, get in touch with a member of our team, today!

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