Beat the January Blues with a Spa City Break

We all know exactly what it’s like to come through the excitement of Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas and find yourself on the decidedly bleaker side of winter. You’ve got all the snow, ice, wind and cold with none of the comforting festivities and fun to look forward to. It’s not fun!

This side of winter is traditionally all about staring longingly out of your window, waiting for summer, and constantly layering up before leaving the house. It’s also that time of year where you’re trying your best to keep up with an absolute laundry list of New Year’s resolutions.

If you’ve got any of the common ones (get in shape, drop that habit, etc.) a spa city break is only going to help, all while cheering you up and beautifying you. It’s the perfect way to spend this time of the year.

Make Good on Your New Year’s Resolution

What’s your New Year’s resolution? For a lot of people ‘get in shape’ basically summarises it. A lot of people are going to be hitting the gym this January, maybe going jogging in the cold, and even putting away the mince pies, and watching what they’re eating.Women relaxing in pool on a spa day

The trouble with dieting and training is it’s hard and exhausting. It’s easy to get sick of the lack of variety, and feeling achy, and motivation can sometimes seem hard to come by.

What you need is a quality spa getaway. A solid spa location will have an amazing gym, as well as healthy, nutritious food, and sports massage on offer, all perfect for your new regimen. What’s more, spa breaks are like a reward for your hard work so far and gives you something to look forward to while keeping it up.

More than that though, specialised sporty or weight-loss spa retreats can directly see you losing the weight you put on over Christmas, or helping you hit those strength or fitness goals. A spa break is a solid all-round choice!

Look Good in Spite of the Weather

The winter isn’t great for your looks, as I’m sure we’ve all discovered. Wrapping up in ten thousand shapeless layers, lips chapped, shivering is never going to be the world’s strongest look. However, a spa day can sort you out and get you beautified again.

For one, there are a few benefits that the cold can offer your skin, namely involving dodging the suns ageing UV rays, and de-puffing your skin. If you match that up with a series of fantastic, restorative spa treatments, you’re going to be onto a winner.

Spa breaks can offer manicure, pedicure, facial and skin treatments, massage and sauna, as well as amazing gym access and the kind of diet that’ll see you glowing after a couple of days. It’s the best response to this miserable and cold patch of winter.

Beat the Stress

 There’s no denying it, while all the winter festivities of Christmas and then New Year are lots of fun, they’re also pretty stressful and draining. Couple that with how expensive they both are, and you’ve got a recipe for anxiety.

Everyone gets stressed sometimes, but if you’ve got recurrent stress from your job, young kids, or are simply working a bit too hard at everything, chances are, you’re going to be feeling the fairly detrimental effects of stress and pressure.

There’s a veritable laundry list of conditions and issues associated with long-term exposure to stress, featuring high blood pressure, weight gain, hair loss and other not-so-fun problems. If you’re struggling with stress, you need to do something about it, and a spa break could be the perfect option.

Get away from it all, enjoy some relaxing treatments such as massage and sauna, and explore a city you’ve always been interested in, it’s the perfect treatment for all that exhausting stress you’ve endured.

Feel Good About Yourself

 What does all that come down to? Having something great to look forward to, getting back into shape, and de stressing and beautifying yourself? You’re going to feel great about yourself! It’s the ultimate self-esteem boosting combination, and it’ll see you feeling happier for weeks after.

Studies have shown that after going on holiday, even for a couple of days, we tend to feel happier and more relaxed for up to a whole month afterwards, and that definitely is the case with the perfect city-based spa getaway. You’ll be beating those January blues away in no time, and the winter bleakness won’t even faze you.

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